Sunday 9 December 2012

Anton Pieck Parade 2012

This was my costume of the Anton Pieck Parade, with temperatures below zero outside, this is the only picture of me without my coat!

Two friends of ours joined the fun this year. Don't they look awesome!

Artists at work

With coat and snow (yeaahhhh!!!)

Both friends are wearing one of my costumes.


Caroline said...

I love your coat! Is it the truly victorian pattern?

Cathy Raymond said...

You look marvelous! I like the photograph of you wearing your coat the best--period-perfect and elegant.

Esther said...

@Caroline yes indeed it is. I really like working with TV patterns! This is 1880's late bustle coat, TV560.

@Cathy Thank you, and that is my favorite picture as well. :-)

Anonymous said...

I would love to have been there! I'd also love it if they would have big events like this where I live!

Esther said...

@wandabvictorian this event is actually rather small, but a lot of fun anyway.

Gsiwn3e49 said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but that dress looks awesome on you :)

Putting that aside though, your hubby looks handsome in that getup! I wouldn't know almost ten years passed since I last saw him.

Esther said...

@Caillin yes my hubby looks dashing, his sideburns are turning a little bit grey but it only makes him more handsome I think :-)

Gsiwn3e49 said...

Well, this seems appropriate :)

Esther said...

@Caillin =D