Monday 11 June 2012

Kelten door de tijd/Celts through time, Dag van het Park, Capelle a/d IJssel, 2012

The day before the event it was cold, rainy and there was a lot of wind. So I decided to hurry up and  finally finish my nalebound striped kneesocks.

We where lucky on the day of the event the weather and the company was great. Two good friends Mark Beusen en Marie-Louise Wasiel of Dutch Craftsman joined us for this event.

My whole family had a truly productive day.

At the stand of Dutch Craftsman kids could make carvings out of a soft stone. This Raven was carved by my son Myrddin. It is the Raven from the Muninn and Huginn banner. His dad made the drawing for him.

My husband made two antler nalebinding needles and I finished another pair of socks.

You can find more pictures of this event on our website (foto's/2012)
I really like my picture. I was suffering from a severe flu the week up to this event and I am still not feeling really great and it shows.

Our next event will be on the 24th of June at the Hunebedmuseum in Borger, Drenthe. And I think I will follow Catherine advice and make a natural colored linen peplos. It is the most authentic, practical and affordable solution.


Cathy Raymond said...

Glad to be of service. :-)

I hope you will post pictures from the June 24th event, showing you in the new peplos!

Esther said...

@Cathy If I get it finished in time I surely will.