Aud/Audrey is doing sprang under supervision of her daughter Skuld/Aurora
Per/Peter is doing leatherwork
My son and husband are doing leatherwork as well.
Me doing some embroidery, instead of nalebinding, for a change.
My son had been asking me, for embroidery on his tunic, for a year. Now I finally got around to it. It is very simple, a herringbone stitch and a chainstitch in wool thread, but I think it looks nice. Myrddin is happy with it, and that is most important.
Friends who came to shop, ended up sitting in our camp, doing crafts....
Cyril is teaching my son Myrddin how to make his own arrows.
Marianne is doing some nalebinding.
Even the public joined in the fun! This lovely young lady, named Iris, wanted to learn how to do nalebinding and asked for a workshop. In return she gave me a refreshment course fingerlooping.
Ofcourse there was also time to play.
Per/Peter did a Robin Hood!
Ofcourse at a market you have to shop!
A lady never ever has enough shoes ;-)

After buying the shoes there was no money left to buy the white, diamond twill, linnen in need for my Princess of Zweeloo costume reconstruction. But I did manage to buy a beaver tooth. So I can wear it on a chain, around my neck, just like her.
Finally we had a chance to try the Anglo-Saxon geteld we bought last year.
Along with some other things Remko made during the winter.
Next weekend we will be doing medieval re-enactment on Sunday. I am lucky if I get all the viking stuff cleaned up and all the medieval thing together in time. So I won't have time to work on my Edwardian costume this week.
7gromit7This re-enactment looks like so much fun. I wish there was more of this in the area where I live. The last one I attended was in 2003...a re-enactment of the Louis and Clark Expeditinary camp in the Ohio River Valley(1803). I especially loved the exhibit of spinning wool and natural dyeing.
Great pictures, as always. Thanks for posting them. I'm glad you all had fun.
Mooie foto's. Het was ook weer fantastisch.
Ik heb gisteren mijn meekrap geverfde wol gespoeld in azijn en daarna in wasverzachter. Ging fantastisch. Nu voelt het weer goed aan.
Bedankt, je bent een schat!!!
@ Jennifer, too bad that there isn't more re-enactment in your area. I love doing re-enactment it is, for me, a more pure, basic and slower way of live. At least during the event ;-) Natural dyeing is also one of my big interests.
@ Cathy Raymond, Thank your for visiting!
@ Harma, ik ben heel blij om te horen dat mijn tip gewerkt heeft en dat jij het ook naar je zin gehad hebt. Het weer werkte dit keer ook wel enorm mee.
Wat goed dat je die bevertand gevonden hebt!
En wat een mooie dingen hebben jij en Remko weer gemaakt.
@Elma, met die bevertand ben ik echt enorm blij! De mooie dingen zijn vooral Remko zijn werk, ik heb deze winter eens rustig aangedaan.
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