White cotton, with white cotton lace and small mother of pearl buttons, Gibson Girl blouse. I converted, the back closure of Folkwear pattern, to a front closure. The back length of the pattern, even the longer modern version, was too short. So I had to add a wide band to make it longer. The pattern piece for the long cuffs come from the Edwardian shirtwaist pattern by Sense and Sensibility. I love the look of the lace details, but as it is modern lace the thread used it to thick. Luckily enough I have some more authentic antique lace for the final version. I also love the long buttoned cuffs, both features will be used in the final version.

White, striped, cotton Edwardian shirtwaist with a pintucked front. It closes with buttons in the back. This shirtwaist I made to check the fit of the Edwardian shirtwaist pattern by Sense and Sensibility so I kept it simple. As the fit is good, this will be the basic pattern for my final Edwardian blouse. I am not sure if it will have pintucks as a feature. I find it really diffult to make them neatly. But I just love the look when it's done properly.

My silver and marcasite Edwardian (style ?) brooch looks really good on the collar of this blouse!
Currently I am working on the buttons and buttonsholes of the Edwardian Ladies Vest.
I love the edwardian shirtwaists - and that brooch is very pretty
Thank you!
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