The start of a new year is always a good time to make up the balance, this was my To-Do-List for 2009.
* fix the hem of my white linen veil.
Done!* make a pair of hosen for my son Myrddin
Done!.* make thorsberg type trousers (without feet)of hand dyed wool,for Myrddin.
Done! * nalebind socks for Audrey
Done!* nalebind socks for Petra
Done!* put together a victorian style boys outfit for Myrddin
Done!* answer all my e-mail!
Well ahum different subject please. "blushes"I would like to:
* weave my own square shawl with natural dyed wool
tried and failed.* make a Burgundian Gown
* make a "horned" headdress for my houppelande dress
* make a smocked 13th/14th century apron
* make a early viking hairnet in sprang
* make a new viking tunic for myself with hand dyed wool (madder)
Done!* make a new viking apron with hand dyed wool (unionskins)
Done!* make a victorian corset cover for my 1885's costume
Done!* make a better victorian petticoat for my 1885's costume
* make a victorian ballgown bodice for my 1885's costume
Done!* make a late victorian hat
Done!* make a blue silk cotehardie with tippets
Overall I didn't do too bad! I finished all the necessary projects and managed to some of other things as well. Obviously my personal interest this year was mainly victorian, so I did a lot of the victorian project.
To-do-list 2010
Necessary* two pair of nalebound socks for Myrddin, this is a yearly recurring project.
* make a pair of hosen for Myrddin, this is also a yearly recurring project.
* dyed the pini (apron dress) of a friend, with a horrible modern chemical dye,the
fabric isn't suitable to dye with natural dyes.
I would like to* Work on, not necessarily finish, my Edwardian Walking Costume project.
* make a "Burgundian" gown
* make a smocked 13th/14th century apron
* make additions for and to my 1880's bustle costume.
- adding ruffles to the hem of the skirt
- make a diner bodice
- make a new, style of, overskirt.
* gather information and ideas on how to make the early tudor/transition style dress I've been wanting to make for years.
I try to keep the plans and ideas for this year as realistic as possible. There are things in my personal live at this moment, that take a lot of my time and energy. Next to making costumes I have also an other hobby. Which is writing short stories, in Dutch, I publish them somewhere else on the internet.
My new years resolution for this year is: cleaning up and decluttering our house
before starting a new costuming project. My household has three creative persons, who like to create things and cannot through anything away, in it. Our house is bursting at the seams, so it is time to through things away and if possible find new homes for others. This will mean selling some costuming patterns, costumes, books, jewellery and accessories. Just to make room in my house and in my head for new projects.