As we only have two medieval events planned, I decided earlier this year not to make my son a new costume. He just had to wear is his old green woollen tunic and brown woollen trousers for another year. At the end of last re-enactment season a friend
gave me a pair of hosen for Myrddin, which her youngest son had outgrown. My son was really excited finally wear real hosen instead of a pair of trousers. This is kind of my own fault. We made him excited for wearing hosen by telling him that hosen where for grown men and big boys in re-enactment and trousers for little boys. So when I told him that he would be wearing his trousers again this year he wasn't to happy.
My son is a little peacock, who really enjoys a nice costume, so last friday I deciced to make him hosen. I didn't have any fabrics that I liked in my fabric stash, what to do now. It was friday, he needed his hosen on Sunday and I didn't have time or money to buy fabric. Than I remembered my old 13th century parti-color tunic which was somewhere at the back of my costume closet. I hadn't worn it for years. When I made it ten years or so ago, I hadn't done much research on who wore parti-colored tunics in the 13th century. When I started to do serious re-enactment I found out that only musicans etc. wore these kinds of garments, so it ended up in the back of my closet.
Finally one half became his tunic, the other half his hosen and hood. The hood was handsewn with silk threads. The whole costume I have made in 1,5 day, with a little help from my husband. Who thougth I was absolutely mad for making in such a sort time. But my son was very happy and proud and that made me very happy.
Meid, wat een tempo. Myrddin ziet er fantastisch uit. Hadden jullie redelijk weer zondag? In het Archeon regende het, hoorde ik van Christa. Wij zijn naar Uelsen geweest, een bronstijd boerderij een half uur rijden hier vandaan en hadden alleen een beetje regen op de heenweg.
Wij hadden het grootste gedeelte van de dag regen. Gelukkig zaten we in het ambachtshuis zodat we er niet zoveel last van hadden. Toen het droog werd kwam er toch nog een aardige stroom bezoekers. Die bronstijd boerderij ken ik nog niet, ik ben benieuwd!
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