This is my antique victorian (ca. 1850) wooden sewing box. It's is a very simple version with a green velvet pin cushion on top. It is a really nice place to store the sewing things I collect. Some are authentic victorian, some where from my grandmother and have a great sentimental value to me and others are replica's. When we do the Anton Pieck Parade in december we use a window of a store or hotel as our livingroom. It is very nice to be able to put this on box on the display there, and even use it a little for an authentic Victorian feel. I bought the two big wooden bobbins at the vikingmarket at the Archeon last weekend. The ligth one is made from wood of a peartree, the dark one is made from ebony wood. I love them because I can also use them in my medieval sewing kit, although I am not sure that they used ebony back then.
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