Wednesday 13 December 2017

Full Circle (part 4)


This year I not only decided to make a new version of my first Victorian dress but also updated the old version. 

I used Simplicity #4400, Misses Civil War Costume by Martha McCain The Fashion Historian. 

Both have the sleeves from the larger picture but in the first version I left out the poufs. The biggest difference in both outfits are not in the bodice and skirt but in the crinoline beneath it. I re-made my old Truly Victorian # 141, 1858 Round Cage Crinoline into a Truly Victorian #142, 1856 Walking Cage Crinoline and because I am quite short I made it an even smaller size than the 110" inch circumference from the pattern.

The first time around making this pattern I left out the bust padding and boning because of time and money constraints and not understanding how important these elements are for the period correct silhouet. As my old costume is still worn by me and a friend I not only added bust padding to the new costume but also to the old. As well as a internal waist band in to the bodice and skirt hooks and eyes. The latter keeps the bodice in place and the chemise out of skirt while moving your arms. 

Sewing in the boning

Making the bust pads.

Ofcourse nothing would even be done without the invaluable 
help of my cat!

Working on three projects since September, no wonder I didn't have time
to blog! The Victorian brimless hat was finished only three days before the event!
 The yellow vest is my son his first real sewing project. 
More on that and the hat later... 

To read more about my husbands Chesterfield Top Coat read my back(b)log here.
To read more about my son his Fantastic beast vest read my back(b)log here and to see the entire costume here.
To read more about the Victorian Brimless hat read my back(b)log here.

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